Zobacz nagrania wideo z Seminarium Rozwoju Osobistego (prowadzą: Witold Wójtowicz i Sebastian Schabowski)


Najlepsze kąski z książki Jima Rohna

Dodane do Ciekawostki, Psychologia osiągnięć o 2:21 ( Sebastian Schabowski)

Mam wielką przyjemność czytać fantastyczną książkę Jima Rohna - “7 Strategies for WEALTH and HAPPINESS”. Podzielę się tutaj kilkoma “golden nuggets” - najlepszymi fragmentami, jakie udało mi się do tej pory w niej znaleźć:

All successful people with whom I have had contact are good readers. They read, read, read. It’s their curiosity that drives them to read. They simply have to know. They constantly seek new ways to become better. Here is a good phrase to remember: ALL LEADERS ARE READERS.

“If you wish to be successful, study success. If you wish to be happy, study happiness. If you want to make money, study acquisition of wealth. Those who achieve these things don’t do it by accident. It’s a matter of studying first and practicing second.”

The good life is not an amount; it’s an attitude, an act, an idea, a discovery, a search. The good life comes from a lifestyle that is fully developed, regardless of the size of your bank account; a lifestyle that provides you with a constant sense of joy in living; a lifestyle that fuels your desire to become a person of deep value and achievement.

If someone hands you a million dollars, you’d better hurry up and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, “If you took all the money in the world and divied it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before.”

It’s hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

I learned that success and happiness are not values to pursue; they are values to develop.

Better is not something you wish; it’s something you become.

1 komentarz »

  1. Bo Pawlik said,

    styczeń 28, 2008 at 11:23

    Wszystko święta prawda - dopisuję książkę na listę “do przeczytania”:) pozdrowienia

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